Careers education has become the heart of what we do
Progression into the workplace and work experience and mentoring are not a privilege for the few. They should be a right for the many – so that students, regardless of background, can see how what they learn at school is used within our workplaces and can help them to progress.
Principal Rob Hitch is a passionate advocate of a careers rich school experience. He said: “Careers education has become the heart of what we do. We’ve brought in speakers from aerospace engineering, banking, medicine, drama, computing. The students love it. They ask endless questions and you can see it really brings home to them what they need to do to succeed in the workplace. The pupils value the time given to explore in a deeper way professionals who are using the knowledge they are learning within the classroom”
As an academy, we have made great strides in raising our attainment levels and once again this year we have seen record numbers of students excel in their examinations.
The corporate partnerships we have and the Harris Experience will help provide our students with greater levels of aspiration and, just as importantly, give them the confidence and tools to take the first steps in their chosen careers and so achieve even greater success.