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Posted on January 27th 2017
US Embassy Visit !
What an amazing US Embassy visit.
A group of Year 13 student to be proud of, they represented the Academy with flying colours, especially our Head Boy Tom, who was nominated to be our feedback spokesperson.
"Thank you ever so much for taking us to the US embassy last Thursday. The trip was probably one of the most interesting and thought provoking trips I've ever been on! A rare opportunity to have an insight and understanding of the connection that media has with politics." Shreevana Gurung
The workshops were on the topic: Media Minded
- How media has changed,
- Social media, the news worldwide
- How it influences us,
- How we hear about topics before they are news
- How media impacts on our lives
- How it can be manipulated
- How we need to be more critically informed to make our own decisions.
"They will be able to talk about the visit in the future. Now they are all preparing for University and as I spoke to them about where they are going and what they are doing I could feel their excitement." Ms Winfield